The Best College Consulting Success Rate Nationwide

#1 Rank on Yelp | Best College Counseling in Los Angeles

We debunk and make college admissions easy. Since we began admissions consulting 15 years ago, 96.5% of the students who fully completed our college application packages have been admitted to one or more of their top 3 choice colleges as long as their grades and tests scores were above the bottom 25th percentile of their admitted peers. We don't only succeed with top students, nor do we make our students choose easier "top choices." Our success stories include:

Don't Gamble With Your Future

Your college admissions outcomes are not random. See an evaluation sheet that admissions officers use to holistically score you as an applicant. Correct the areas where you score low before you apply.

Personalized 1-on-1 Guidance

Face-to-face coaching done virtually. Wherever you live, we will help you.

Step 1


Discover your best-fit "reach", "possible", and "likely" colleges and learn where your chances of winning scholarships are the highest.

Step 2


Don't accept your current odds of success, maximize the certainty of your desired outcomes with smarter decisions.

Step 3


Reveal the right windows into your life with admissions officers, compelling them to admit you over similarly (or even better) qualified peers.

The College Zoom Difference

Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see.

Discover Your Place Among America's Best

Step one: measure the distance you need to close.