Our College Planning Packages Are Different

College is a transformative experience but by shaping your potential before you enter college, you'll unlock better college acceptances and scholarship offers. Successful cases:


He gained a step-by-step action plan


She stepped beyond her comfort zone


She won a full-ride merit scholarship


He won a full-ride merit scholarship


Get the roadmap that maximizes your odds of success. Then, execute it.

Our Process Starts with a Massive Perspective Shift.

Our package may even pay for itself in merit scholarships.

With our package, you'll gain a comprehensive, end-to-end plan.

1. College planning made easy: We cover all of the essentials. This includes choosing the right courses, activity planning, summer planning, college matching, standardized test scheduling, and financial aid and scholarship advising.

2. Develop your unique edge and employ proprietary tactics: We identified the common denominators in students accepted by your dream colleges and will help you execute a unique arc of achievement, 100% authentic to your interests, that matches your colleges' expectations, both academically and extracurricularly.

3. Have fun being in action: Avoid the burn out, anxiety, and experiences that make for boring college essay topics. An exciting journey requires genuine enthusiasm. We will apply your passions to help you develop your own ambitious and uniquely defining experiences that will become compelling stories to write about.

The sooner you begin your journey, the more you'll have achieved by the time that you submit your college applications.

Choose your start date for more information.

*Each start date includes counseling for subsequent years. For example: the Freshman Start Package should last until 12th grade.

The Breakdown: When the college planning package is started freshman year, it comes with 20 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

Freshmen Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Become a leader before you become an upperclassman
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators for higher level endeavors
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Pick the right sophomore year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student should be independently motivated and self-propelling. Assigned action steps that are usually assigned to students at the end of 1-on-1 meetings can now be confidently introduced and assigned to students as email assignments. 1-on-1 meetings become further spread out, while accomplishment increases.

Sophomore Year:

✓ Deepen your capabilities
✓ Widen your impact
✓ Continue climbing up the college evaluation sheet
✓ Work through obstacles and challenges
✓ Establish your standardized test-taking strategy and dates
✓ Pick the right junior year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student should be able to self-steer by independently identifying and pursuing new goals without direction. The student is acting autonomously, leading and utilizing a tribe of project collaborators and mentors for daily support. Our 1-on-1 meetings begin to focus more on widening impact, introducing systemic innovations, and legacy setting.

Junior and Senior Years:

✓ Pursue a legacy project
✓ Cultivate letters of recommendation
✓ Discover the best colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major
✓ Pick the right senior year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

20 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the specific colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most freshmen, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
The Breakdown: When the college planning package is started sophomore year, it comes with 15 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

Sophomore Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Determine your standardized test-taking strategy and dates
✓ Pick the right junior year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student should be independently motivated and self-propelling. Assigned action steps that are usually assigned to students at the end of 1-on-1 meetings can now be confidently introduced and assigned to students as email assignments. 1-on-1 meetings become further spread out, while accomplishment increases.

Junior and Senior Years:

Part 1

✓ Deepen your capabilities
✓ Widen your impact
✓ Continue climbing up the college evaluation sheet
✓ Work through obstacles and challenges

By this point, the student should be able to self-steer by independently identifying and pursuing new goals without direction. The student is acting autonomously, leading and utilizing a tribe of project collaborators and mentors for daily support. Our 1-on-1 meetings begin to focus more on widening impact, introducing systemic innovations, and legacy setting.

Part 2

✓ Cultivate letters of recommendation
✓ Discover the best colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major
✓ Pick the right senior year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

15 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most sophomores, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
The Breakdown: When the college planning package is started junior year, it comes with 12 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

Junior Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators for higher level endeavors
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Cultivate letters of recommendation
✓ Pick the right senior year classes and summer activities

By this point, the student should be independently motivated and self-propelling. Assigned action steps that are usually assigned to students at the end of 1-on-1 meetings can now be confidently introduced and assigned to students as email assignments. 1-on-1 meetings become further spread out, while accomplishment increases.

Starting in the Summer Before Senior Year:

Part 1

✓ Deepen your capabilities
✓ Widen your impact
✓ Continue climbing up the college evaluation sheet
✓ Work through obstacles and challenges

By this point, the student should be self-steering: independently setting and pursuing new goals.

Part 2

✓ Discover the best colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major
✓ Build stronger momentum for an eclectic start to senior year

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

12 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most juniors, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
The Breakdown: When the college planning package is started senior year, it comes with 10 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several complimentary check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

Senior Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators for higher level endeavors
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Determine your standardized test-taking strategy and dates (if needed)
✓ Secure letters of recommendation
✓ Discover the best colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

10 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most seniors, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
The Breakdown: This package sets you up to transfer after one year of college. It comes with 10 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

First Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators for higher level endeavors
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Secure letters of recommendation (if needed)
✓ Discover better colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

10 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most 1st year transfers, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
The Breakdown: This package sets you up to transfer after two years of college. It comes with 12 cumulative hours of counseling that can be used for in person, phone, and email coaching. Note: in between each 1-on-1 meeting, we assign action steps for your homework and perform several check-ins in order to monitor your progress and enhance your accomplishments. This way, you cover more ground between 1-on-1 meetings, which (a) requires fewer 1-on-1 meetings for goal attainment and (b) enables every 1-on-1 meeting to deal with deeper issues and more sophisticated problem-solving. Additionally, we track your progress on a college evaluation sheet to ensure timely advancements are made towards your goals. Below is the skeletal structure of your multi-year plan:

Initial Consultation (Before the Package Starts, Excluded from Package):

✓ See a college evaluation sheet (to start with the end in mind)
✓ Learn where you stand on the college evaluation sheet

First Year:

✓ Develop a vision and action plan to separate yourself from other applicants who have similar activities and roles as you (includes a proprietary personality assessment)
✓ Find the right mentors and collaborators for higher level endeavors
✓ Achieve your first milestones
✓ Track your progress on the college evaluation sheet
✓ Cultivate letters of recommendation (if needed)
✓ Pick the right classes and summer activities

By this point, the student should be independently motivated and self-propelling. Assigned action steps that are usually assigned to students at the end of 1-on-1 meetings can now be confidently introduced and assigned to students as email assignments. 1-on-1 meetings become further spread out, while accomplishment increases.

Second Year:

Part 1

✓ Deepen your capabilities
✓ Widen your impact
✓ Continue climbing up the college evaluation sheet
✓ Work through obstacles and challenges

By this point, the student should be self-steering: independently setting and pursuing new goals.

Part 2

✓ Discover better colleges for you
✓ Build your college list
✓ Choose your major

By this point, the student is ready to begin the college application process.

12 hours gets most students through this plan. Additional hours can be added at the discounted rate of $300/hr to accommodate students with conditions that require extra care and attention. Note: this package does not include assistance with the college applications. Depending on the colleges you apply to, we'll recommend either hourly help ($350/hr) or a package for college applications.

To sign up, contact us for an initial consultation. This plan fits most 2-year transfers, but we want to ensure it is right for you. If it isn't, we'll build you a custom one.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: “Is there a difference to starting a package in the fall, spring, or summer?"

A: Normally, a student will utilize the same number of college planning hours whether he or she starts in the fall vs spring. Think of the package as having two parts: 1) a hands-on achievement period, which generally lasts 8 to 12 months, followed by 2) a tracking period. In the tracking period, the student's prior growth allows for continued achievement to be accomplished with meetings which occur fewer and farther in between.

Fall Start: The hands-on achievement period occurs in the fall, spring and summer. Then, we shift to tracking in the fall semester of the following year.

Spring Start: The hands-on achievement period occurs in the spring, summer and fall of the following year. Then, we shift to tracking that spring.

Summer Start: Normally, the student would start the package designated for his or her upcoming grade level.

Q: “Will the hours in my plan really be enough?"

A: If you do your pre-meeting action steps with honest effort, yes. The pre-meeting assignments are highly structured steps that guide you in acquiring knowledge and intermediary accomplishments that are prerequisites for your next 1-on-1 session. However, a student may need additional time if he or she:

1) Doesn’t complete assigned homework or exert effort, requiring remedial counseling that sets back our agreed upon schedule
2) Has special needs or learning challenges that require extra help to achieve a satisfactory work product.

Q: "How will we work together?"

A: A shared interactive workspace will be provided where everything you do for college admissions will be organized in one convenient place. Our consulting relationship involves three types of activities, in order of frequency:

1. In person meetings or virtual meetings via Skype (based on your preference)
2. Emails and phone calls for coaching in between meetings
3. Offline reviews of your work upon request

These activities count towards the counseling hours you purchase.

Q: “How is time tracked? How will I know if I’m running low on time?”

A: Time and meeting logs are kept in the workspace where all of your work will be done with College Zoom. You will always know whether you are ahead or behind schedule so that time can be managed appropriately. For example, if you fall behind and need to make back time, you’ll be able to do so in the next pre-meeting assignment you’ll complete before your next 1-on-1 session.

Q: “What about my college applications?”

A: By completing your package on schedule, you will be ready to begin your college applications for which we have other service offerings.