Our Success Rate (2009-2025)
Since our founding, 96.5% of students who fully completed our college application packages have been accepted to at least one of their top three choice colleges—even with below-average academic credentials, as long as their credentials were not lower than the 25th percentiles for admitted students at their desired colleges. Of our students not admitted to their top three choice colleges: 60% still gained admission to a university with an admit rate of 15% or less (e.g., UCLA, UC Berkeley, NYU, Duke, Johns Hopkins, USC, Vanderbilt). We never force students to designate easier colleges as their top choices.
Scroll to Bottom for Inclusion Criteria and Exclusions
Your Success is Our Success
"Many of my peers' college consultants charged them 2x or 3x the price of College Zoom while not investing into them half as much as College Zoom did with me; many dreaded their meetings and sadly didn't get the admissions results they'd hoped for. With College Zoom, I felt and saw that they cared for my future AND my well-being as much as my parents did; this is very rare in this industry! I consulted with many other consultants before choosing College Zoom, the only one that was genuine.
Even when I felt as though I couldn't compete with those around me and that the odds of acceptance were stacked against me, they encouraged me to take risks and showed me how to skillfully do so. I nearly didn't apply to World Bachelor in Business (WBB) out of fear of rejection into both the program and USC in general, but College Zoom pushed me to take the step towards my dreams. The application they helped me craft is a true representation of who I am, and it'll forever be something I'm proud of. "
— Katelyn L., Presidential Scholar, Half-Tuition Scholarship
Triple-Degree WBB Program (Fewer than 5% of admitted)
USC, HKUST, & Bocconi | Class of 2027★★★★★
“College Zoom truly cares about their "kids." They also are easy to work with, which is great because you have already have enough on your plate in the college process. I 100% recommend without qualification or reservation after interviewing several top college consultants. Best money you will ever spend.”
— Melinda M., Attorney at Law, Daughter matriculated to UCLA, Class of 2024
"College Zoom was amazing and definitely exceeded my expectations. I found them after I was not accepted to my 1st choice university, USC, and I wanted to write an appeal that would convince USC to accept me. I thought College Zoom would be a college consultant that knew a lot and would send me general, offline feedback. I didn’t expect them to delve into me the way they did during our live meetings. It felt extremely personal and that I was not just another student. Being coached while we collaborated, I learned so much more than just how to write an appeal letter. As a candidate, I learned how to dig in, hone in on my weak points, and strengthen them. Most importantly, as a person, I learned to never give up too soon.
— Alex C., USC reversed his rejection letter, Class of 2016
College Counseling Might Pay for Itself
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Being Compelling Isn't Always What It Seems.

Antoinette, who was using another independent college counselor, came to us last minute after submitting applications that Harvard and Columbia ultimately denied. With us, she got into Penn, Brown, Duke, and Johns Hopkins. She described the difference in her application as night vs. day.

Tianne, with bottom 25% SAT and ACT scores, got into her Ivy League dream school, Cornell, without applying early. Her friends, who scored much higher on the SAT/ACT and applied early (hoping for an advantage), got waitlisted or denied. She was accepted with a stronger application in regular decision.

A UCLA admissions officer told Michelle that she was rejected because her GPA was too low. We realized that couldn't be true and helped her win her appeal by addressing the real issue. She got admitted despite her GPA still being under the threshold that the admissions officer said she needed to be above.

Nina's smartest peers got into only 1 or 2 medical schools, Nina got into the MD programs at NYU (full scholarship), UCLA, UCSD, USC, UVA, and Texas A&M (w/ scholarship). We helped her stand out, step-by-step, avoiding overused advice found online and shared by her university's pre-med advisors.

Kate, without any volunteer hours or extracurricular activities, got accepted by every top 25 ranked university to which she applied. We reframed her hobbies—which she initially thought were insignificant—showing her new and more compelling angles to them.

McKenna, with a 3.11 unweighted GPA, no AP math classes, and an SAT score in the bottom 25% of admits, got into USC’s Marshall School of Business. Her former school headmaster assured her that she'd be rejected. We extenuated her grades and then helped USC see her potential to thrive.
How We Calculate Our Success Rate
Click below for details on inclusions and exclusions.
1. Recruited athletes:
• Pre-scouted and vetted by NCAA standards
• Commit before general applications open
• Application is mostly a formality
2. VIP donors' children:
• Reviewed through a special process
• Separated from the general applicant pool
By focusing on applicants above the bottom 25th percentile, we consider only those with minimum viable academic credentials to compete in general applicant pools.